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actual engine中文

用"actual engine"造句"actual engine" in a sentence"actual engine"怎麼讀


  • 實際發動機


  • Using the simulation system , we can divine and analyse the performance of the entire vehicle without actual engine and vehicle . this is a economical and efficient means , especially in the design stage of product
  • In the performance seeking control process , performance constraints and component constraints that occur in the actual engine transient state are considered . besides , the constraints of control variable , such as the change rate and the change range , are also taken into account
  • On the one hand , the steam simulation system can make up a dis ( distributed interactive system ) with other sub systems to simulate the actual engine room performance and give trainees comprehensive training . on the other hand , the steam simulation system can be operated alone as a marine boiler training system
    蒸汽仿真子系統可以與其它仿真子系統以數據服務器為中心、以星型網絡結構構成分布式仿真系統( dis ) ,對輪機人員進行綜合的訓練;也可作為單獨的鍋爐仿真培訓系統,或作為《輪機自動化》 、 《鍋爐與汽輪機》等課程的輔助教具。
  • Depending on the two - port ram , this system has implemented no - slot interface between developing , matching system and efi system , and the program in the ecu of developing system can move to the ecu of efi in the actual engine with a little modification . some elementary matching tests have finished on single cylinder engine by the matching and developing system
    借助雙端口ram ,可實現電控燃油噴射系統與匹配開發系統之間的無縫接口,使電控噴射系統開發完畢后,匹配開發系統中的電控單元控制程序經過少量修改后就可以移植到生產型電控單元中。
用"actual engine"造句  
actual engine的中文翻譯,actual engine是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯actual engine,actual engine的中文意思,actual engine的中文actual engine in Chineseactual engine怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。